
Refined The Treasure After The Testing


Refined is a journey of transformation. This book takes a deep look at the processes of being molded into what God would have us to be. It was birthed from a 40-day fast that led to profound revelations about my life, my purpose, and who I am as a person. Through this period of spiritual discipline, reflection, and surrender, God began to pull together the pieces of my story, shaping me in ways that I could never have imagined.

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The concept of refining is not unfamiliar to us, yet its significance is often overlooked. Just as silver and gold are purified through intense heat, so too are we refined through the trials and tests of life. In the midst of this process, we may feel as though we are being broken down, but what is actually happening is that God is molding us, purifying us, and bringing forth something of great value from within us.